Triple Zero (000) is Australia’s main emergency service number. Call 000 if you need urgent help from police or ambulance services. For more information about Domestic and Family Violence Services, visit the Blue Mountains Community Directory.
1800 Respect (Domestic Violence Hotline)
1800 737 732
24/7 telephone counselling support for those impacted by sexual assault and/or domestic and family violence.
NSW Domestic Violence Line
1800 656 463 / 1800 671 442 (TTY)
24/7 telephone counselling and referrals for women experiencing domestic and family violence.
Child Protection Helpline
132 111
24/7 NSW helpline to report child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and psychological harm of children.
MensLine Australia
1300 789 978
24/7 telephone, video and online counselling service, supporting men with mental health issues and family and relationship issues. The Changing for Good service provides counselling for men who want to have healthy and respectful relationships with others.
Accommodation, Housing & Financial Support
Ask Izzy
An online directory providing information on critical support services such as housing, food and health. Search by postcode for local services.
DV West Blue Mountains
02 4732 2318
After Hours service and outreach support for women and children affected by domestic and family violence. Can provide crisis accommodation and transitional housing.
1800 152 152 (free call)
Statewide telephone service for homelessness enquiries. Provides access to information, specialised support and accommodation.
Staying Home Leaving Violence
1300 384 347
The program works in cooperation with NSW Police to remove the perpetrator (the violent partner) from the family home so that you and your children can stay safely where you are. It provides a range of support, such as safety planning, improving home security, help in managing finances, support for children, and helping you with the complicated legal process.
Advocacy & Legal Support
Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre
4 Station St, Katoomba 02 4704 0207
Provides free legal information, advice and representation to residents of the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands region.
The Women’s Cottage
22 Bosworth St, Richmond 0415 273 263
Provides drop in crisis support services during open hours including emotional, financial distress, isolation, domestic violence and therapeutic, educational, practical skills and interest groups for women.
Domestic Violence Forensic Documentation Service
Referrals: Call the Forensic Medical Unit (FMU) on 8670 7752 and leave a message, they will make contact to arrange an appointment.
Enquiries: Call Integrated Violence Prevention and Response Services (IVPRS) on 4734 2512 during business hours.
If you have visible injuries resulting from a Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) assault you can have them documented for legal evidence.
What services are offered?
• Medical triage and assessment
• Documentation of visible injuries
• Support for safety planning and referral
How do I access this service?
If you are 16 years or older and live in the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District you can call the Forensic Medical Unit to request this service.
Specialist medical staff will support you to assess whether an injury can be documented.
Health Services
Healthdirect Australia
1800 022 222
A government-funded virtual health service that provides access to health advice and information.
Blue Mountains Women’s Health & Resource Centre
124 Lurline Street, Katoomba 02 4782 5133
Provides physical and emotional support for women’s health issues from counsellors, doctors and nurses who staff the Centre. Services include: Under 25s Health Clinic; pap tests; breast checks; STD tests; women’s health checks; contraception; termination advice etc. Alternative therapies including massage and acupuncture are also provided. Other services include: a free study space, free showers, free washer and dryer.
Dianella Cottage
Offices in Katoomba & Lithgow. 1300 727 957
Dianella Cottage is a program of Lives Lived Well. It is a harm minimisation service providing non-judgmental support for women and men with co-occurring drug, alcohol and mental health. Dianella Cottage celebrates diversity and warmly welcomes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people from all cultures and countries to our place of healing.
Sexual Assault Services
Springfield Cottage
02 4734 2512 Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 5pm
Support for adults 18 years and older and children referred through JIRT (Joint Investigation Response Teams).
Services include:
• Counselling: free and confidential
• Crisis support: counselling, arranging medical forensic services, police reporting
• Information and support for carers and family
• Advocacy, information and referrals
• Court preparation and support
• Consultation and education for professionals, schools and other groups
• Welcoming safe space for First Nations people to come and have a yarn.
Gender-Based Violence & Safe Spaces Initiatives
Find out about organisations doing great work in creating safer public spaces for women, girls and gender diverse people.
She’s a Crowd
She’s a Crowd has crowdsourced the biggest location-based set of gender-based violence data in the world to provide insights and mapping tools on survivors’ experiences.
Search the map to find out about incidents in your local area, or add your own story anonymously.
YourGround NSW
YourGround is a crowdmapping website that enables women and gender diverse people to identify and share places that make them feel uneasy, scared and unwelcome; or happy, safe and included.