16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence is an international campaign led by the United Nations. It features events that promote an end to violence against women and children.
Find out what’s on in the Blue Mountains’ region including: the Walk to End Violence, a film screening, information stalls, and Morning Tea events at local community services.
Friday 24 Nov
Blue Mountains Says No to Violence Mayoral Breakfast
Join Blue Mountains City Council Mayor Mark Greenhill and special guests for a light breakfast and talks on ending gender based violence.
9am – 10:30am
Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub, Springwood
This event has sold out.
Sunday 26 Nov
Walk Against Domestic Violence
Join Penrith City Council’s Walk Against Domestic Violence, a one kilometre walk from the Blue Tree on Nepean Avenue to Tench Reserve.
Meet at 9am on Nepean Avenue OR join at 9.45am at Tench Reserve for FREE coffee, breakfast and activities.
Visit the website for more information.
Tuesday 28 Nov
Dianella Cottage Open Day
Drop into Dianella to learn more about the services offered within a harm-minimisation framework.
Dianella Cottage provides free, non-residential treatment for people with co-occurring substance and mental health issues in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow.
2:00pm – 4.00pm
Dianella Cottage, 23 Waratah Street Katoomba
Email: Chloe.Berea@liveslivedwell.org.au to register.
Wednesday 29 Nov
1) Relationship Anarchy Table Chat
Join neuro-divergent women and non-binary folk for an informal chat and snacks at Blue Mountains Women’s Health Centre. Discussion will be around neuro-divergence, our experiences or red and green flags in relationships, and what we can learn from the concept of relationship anarchy.
10am – 12:00pm
Blue Mountains Women’s Health and Resource Centre, 124 Lurline St, Katoomba NSW 2780
Call the Women’s Health Centre to RSVP via 4782 5133.
2) Book an Appointment with Council’s Aged & Disability Officer
Find out how to be safe and independent in your home and community.
Call Prue Hardgrove (Aged and Disability Development Officer, at Blue Mountains City Council) for a confidential chat to learn more. Face to face and phone appointments available.
To book, call Prue on 4780 5546 or email phardgrove@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Learn more about local services and support here
Thursday 30 Nov
Morning Tea @ ACRC
The Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre warmly invites you to Morning Tea with guest speaker from Nepean Blue Mountains WDVCAS (Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program).
We need your support to make a difference. Please wear something orange for a brighter future, free of violence.
10am – 12pm, ACRC Office, 39 Whitton Street, Katoomba
Phone 4782 6569 or email community@acrc.org.au to register.
Friday 1 Dec
1) Katoomba Library Flag-making workshop
Show your support for women and children who have experienced family and domestic violence by decorating a flag for public display. You will also go into the draw to win a free Yumi Stynes book.
10am – 12pm.
Katoomba Library, 30 Parke St, Katoomba.
2) Blue Mountains Goes Nuts in the Bush
Join Housing Plus DV services’ virtual Nut Bush dance at 10.30am. Gather friends, family and/or colleagues and video your efforts. You can then share your video to social media via #Goingnutsinthebush
Not sure how to Nut Bush? Check out Bushranger Bob & Friends lesson here
Saturday 2 Dec
1)Special Screening – Brazen Hussics
Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre (BANC) invites you to a special screening of Brazen Hussies, a 2020 Australian documentary about the women’s liberation movement in Australia from 1965 – 1975.
A delicious supper will be provided and BANC invites you to either bring along an item for our ‘Adopt a Bag’ program.
5.30pm Phillips Hall, Blackheath Community Centre, 265 Great Western Highway, Blackheath.
Bookings via BANC – 4787 7770.
2)Glenbrook Markets Stall
Visit Zonta’s stall at Glenbrook Markets to find out about projects that enhance equity.
Zonta is an international organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Learn more here
Monday 4 Dec
Zonta Club Meeting with guest speaker Heather Hawkins
Zonta Blue Mountains invites you to be inspired by the fabulous Heather Hawkins.
Dinner option: 6.00 – 7.30pm
Speaker only: 7.45 – 9.00pm
Grandview Hotel, 174 Great Western Highway, Wentworth Falls.
RSVP by 1 Dec to zcbmboard@gmail.com or 0417 778 935.
Tuesday 5 Dec
Wear it Orange Morning Tea
“A Celebration of the women who inspire us “
Join Belong Blue Mountains and Thrive Services to raise awareness of violence against women and what we can do to bring attention to the issue.
10am – 11:30am
Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre New temporary address: Lower Level, 81-83 Katoomba St
Call 4782 1117 or email info@belongbm.org.au to register.
Wednesday 6 Dec
Springwood Library Flag-making workshop
Show your support for women and children who have experienced family and domestic violence. Drop into Springwood Library and decorate a flag for public display and go into the draw to win a Yumi Stynes book.
10am – 12pm, Springwood Library, 104 Macquarie Rd, Springwood.
Thursday 7 Dec
What’s Gender Got to Do With It?
As part of the 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, BMWHRC invites you to take part in a conversation about the experience of gender as told by older (AKA fabulous) women!
The event will begin with a panel chat and then move on to small group or pairs conversations about the changes we’ve seen, the changes we strive for and the advice we might have given to our younger selves. There will then be a delicious lunch and more chat! We do hope you can join us.
11am – 1:00pm
Blue Mountains Women’s’ Health and Resource Centre, 124 Lurline St, Katoomba
Sunday 10 Dec
Information Stall @ Blackheath Markets
Visit Zonta’s Information Stall at Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre. Find out about projects that enhance equity and Zonta Blue Mountains.
8am – 12 midday
Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre, 41 Gardiner Crescent, Blackheath.
For more information on Zonta Blue Mountains, visit the website.
25 Nov - 10 Dec
Lookout for the following throughout the 16 Days of Action:
– Promotion of Blue Mountains Says No To Violence via Pavement Stickers; Highway Banners; Social Media platforms
– Orange Women Cutouts care of the Women’s Shed
– New books at the Libraries.